Viva Piñata Wiki
Viva Piñata Wiki

This exotic yellow seed is sure to grow something a-peeling.

The banana seed grows a banana tree.

This tropical tree is loaded with delicious yellow bananas. You know which piñatas love bananas, right? Well, you better grow this tree if you want to see them.

The base value of a banana tree is 280 coins, however a fully catalysed banana tree can be sold for 1400.

The banana tree grows bananas which can be tinkered by Bart to make a banana split.


Surface requirements: Banana seed should be planted in grass, soil or long grass.

Catalyst requirements: For bonus growth use yellow fertilizer, cocoadile tears or special mix fertilizer.



  • Having 1 banana tree in the garden is required for a Bonboon to visit.
  • Having 1 banana tree in the garden is required for a Cinnamonkey to visit (TiP)


  • Eating 7 bananas and having 1 banana tree in the garden is required for a Bonboon to become a resident.
  • Eating 10 bananas and having 1 banana tree in the garden is required for a Parrybo to become a resident.


  • Eating 2 bananas is required for an Elephanilla to romance.
  • Eating 4 bananas is required for a Cinnamonkey to romance.
  • Eating 1 banana split is required for a Moozipan to romance.


  • Eating 1 banana seed is required for a Lackatoad and a Moozipan to turn into a yellow variant.
  • Eating 1 banana is required for a Juicygoose and a Salamango to turn into a yellow variant.
  • Eating 1 banana split is required for a BarkBark to turn into a green/ yellow variant.
  • Eating 1 banana split and 1 carrot cake is required for a Zumbug to turn into a yellow/ orange variant.